The documentary chronicles the Arab-American experience through interviews with prominent Arab-Americans. The interviews highlight the diversity of Arab-American contributions, experiences, backgrounds and faiths. Some of the Arab-Americans we’ve interviewed are:
Fatina Abdrabboh

Gen. John Abizaid

Retired US Army General, former Commander of the United States Central Command (CENTCOM).
Jamie Farr

Actor, philanthropist
Malek Jandali

Composer, pianist.
Philip Kayal, PhD

Professor of sociology and anthropology.
Sen. George Mitchell

Former United States Senator from Maine, Senate Majority Leader, Diplomat, Businessman.
Ralph Nader

Consumer advocate, activist, presidential candidate, author, lecturer and attorney.
Dean Obeidallah

Comedian, CNN Contributor.
Bobby Rahal

American racing legend.
Anthony Shadid

Pulitzer Prize winning journalist, foreign correspondent for the New York Times & Washington Post. Anthony Shadid passed away on February 16, 2012 as he was fleeing Syria while reporting on the Syrian uprising. Please see our In Memoriam page. Anthony was a good friend to this project and we remember him fondly.
Helen Thomas

Maysoon Zayid

Comedian, actress, activist.
Congressman Nick Rahall
US House of Representatives, 1977 – 2015
John Zogby

Political pollster and founder of the Zogby Poll, opinion leader and author.
Andy Shallal
Restaurateur and philanthropist
Helen Samhan, PhD
Executive Director, Arab American Institute Foundation
Jo Ann Byrnes
Social Worker
Rev. Basil Koory
Pastor, St. George Antiochian Cathedral
Cherrefe Kadri
Council Member, Islamic Center of Greater Toledo
Suri Kassier
Founder/President of Kasirer Consulting in New York City
Jack G. Shaheen, PhD
Author & Lecturer